How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs Dr Oz

Does Retinol Also Help With Cellulite? Dr. Oz Seems To Think So

Retinol and CelluliteWe all know how great retinol is for the face as it's one of the best anti-aging ingredients on the planet.

But did you know retinol has been shown to have a positive effect on another issue most of us deal with?

On the Dr. Oz Show, they recently did a test and found a surprisingly effective new use for retinol– on cellulite!

Expensive Cellulite Treatments vs. Cheaper Retinol-Based Alternatives

Some people might pay for expensive cellulite products and notice results from consistent use of these products, but the Dr. Oz uncovered the fact that these results can also be achieved using cheaper topical creams that include both retinol and caffeine.

On the Dr. Oz Show, tests were conducted by several subjects who used different skin care products that claimed to reduce the appearance of cellulite.  The subject who experienced the most dramatic transformation was the person who used a product with retinol and caffeine.

Why Cellulite Appears

As a person ages, cellulite becomes more common.

It's hard to pinpoint the exact cause of cellulite, although it has been suggested that genetics, hormones, and a poor diet may all play a role.

Interestingly, both overweight and thin people can have cellulite, so it'd definitely a universal issue.

During the aging process, the fibrous tissues beneath the surface of the skin become weaker, and they are not able to effectively hold back the fat cells.

The use of a topical product with retinol and caffeine might be beneficial, because together they supposedly can help shrink fat cells and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Choosing a Cellulite-Reducing Product With Retinol

When you are shopping for a topical product to reduce the appearance of cellulite, the most effective option is to find a lotion or retinol cream that has 0.4% concentration of retinol.

For best results, this product should be applied to the problem areas one to three times per day.

In addition to using a retinol cream, there are a few other steps that can be followed to reduce the appearance of cellulite:

  • Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables. When you eat water-rich fruits and vegetables, they are beneficial to flush the body, keep you hydrated, and get rid of toxins. All of these benefits can help with cellulite reduction.
  • Dry brush the skin for exfoliation. Using a dry brush on areas with cellulite helps with exfoliation to remove dry skin cells, and it also helps to flatten the appearance of the skin.
  • Boost your heart rate. By exercising, you can lose weight and stimulate sweat production. Sweating helps by expelling toxins out through the skin, which can in turn help to reduce the appearance of cellulite and tone up the whole body.

Many people find the most success by using multiple cellulite reducing strategies at the same time.

For example, you can't expect to use a cellulite retinol cream and think that it's ok to eat junk food all day long, because it will be difficult to reduce the appearance of cellulite if you are gaining weight.

So, make sure to follow a healthy diet and use a high quality, topical retinol cream at the same time.  The results may surprise you!

Tags: cellulite, cellulite creams retinol, cellulite creams with retinol, Dr. Oz, featured, reduce cellulite, retinol, retinol and cellulite, retinol for cellulite

How to Get Rid of Cellulite on Thighs Dr Oz


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