As the launching of Module 7: The Way of the Monk for Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach nears, I had the chance to fill a tour of the new content with the Turbine bunch. My hosts for the evening were Kate Paiz, Senior Manufacturer; Ian Currie, Design Director; Stephen Muray, Lead


Systems Designer; Damien Foletto, Lead Happy Interior designer; Brent Walton, Content Designer; Jesse Smith, Content Couturier; and Greg Yungman, Systems Intriguer.

Currently scheduled for free release on June 3, Module 7 offers a new playable class, improvements to alive areas to comfort leveling, new Fog of War functionality not to mention a redemption feature at vendors. Other features include new quests in Three Barrel Cove and the 12-man raid zone under the Marketplace Camp out site, and quiver bags for archers. It is a lot of new content to explore, but the common people at Turbine are expert tour guides.


We began by checking out the extremely anticipated class improver to DDO: the Monastic. Personally, in pen & paper Dungeons &adenylic acid; Dragons, I was never much of a monk player; I always leaned towards the Ranger operating theater Magic. In DDO, however, I experience to say the Monk was pure awesome fun to play.

The monk class is available to each players, so there is no need to build favor or anything along those lines. Stephen Muray gave a brief overview of how the class full treatmen: The monk is a bit different from the other classes in this he uses "ki" to do many moves. In many respects, this is similar to spell points for a mage class, but a bulky difference is that the Thelonious Monk's ch'i increases throughout the struggle and fades out of combat, whereas a mage assort starts with import points that deplete over the course of a battle.


With my handwraps cinched tight, I started testing out the Thelonious Monk's moves away spinning, kicking, rolling and punching. Most determining (operating room at least fun) was bound across the room in a single bound using the Copious Leap ability. Those Kobolds aren't getting away from me anymore.

The Thelonious Monk can postdate many paths of life, such atomic number 3 the Ocean, Wander, Mountain, and Fire. By concentrating enhancement points in these paths, you can bring around, increase protection and/or do more damage with your attacks.

Three Barrel Cove and Pirates!

After giving the Monk a trial drive, we took a tour of the brand-new, revised Tercet Barrel Cove sphere for a demonstration of the new Haze of War feature. This characteristic shrouds the terrain with a light fog that disappears as you explore the region, allowing you to better keep track of exactly where you've been. This is a big help for determination points of concern in the geographic expedition tasks.

Part of the changes to Three Bbl Cove includes the


adventure area quests for Slayer, Explorer, and Rare Encounters. Wandering around, we were able to check some of the Adventurer tasks and came across one of the new denizens of Troika Barrel Cove, the Sahuagin. These green Pisces-looking creatures reminded Maine of a Scooby Doo episode, simply of course, they mob to a greater extent of a punch than anything Scooby and Shaggy ever came across. Like most of the area, these creatures are meant for parties around level 5. One thing I noticed was the art upgrades to many of NPCs and monsters in the field. Orcs and Kobolds in literary pirate outfits really looked great. At that place's something about a Kobold noisy "Yarr, a buccaneer's life for me!" that really whole kit and boodle.

After checking out the unprecedented landscape painting and monsters, it was time to visit a fewer new dungeons. First ahead was Rackham's Trial. This instance features a serial publication of difficult tests to find if you have what it takes to be a pirate, including a rather intricate gravel that covers every surface of the room. The object is to open a doorway by activating a serial of levers, stun tiles and targets. Fashioning a wrong decision can be costly. Another test – which was a blast watching the devs try on to perform – was a ladder climb where combined party member has to make it to the topmost. Did I mention that the ladders weren't ever connected and you had to jump from run to run? Feather Diminish is your admirer.


Once we ready-made it through with these trials to become pirates, we headed unsatisfactory to help a some other pirate in another bay. This fellow somehow decided to get himself trapped inside a cage enclosed by a heavy puzzle that, again, encompassed the entire elbow room. Make a mistake, and your pirate friend is appalled by rather large bolts of electricity. Needless to say, he doesn't like this too much and yells at you if you get it misguided. While occasionally you start to feel that he should be barbequed for his insults and whining, you realize that you can't complete this quest if He dies. Save the stony-broke fellow, and experience and gold awaits you.

One and only detail I noticed as we transitioned between areas was the New Look to several of the loading screens. Kate commented that the new lead artist was responsible this, and I hold to sound out he did a great job.

Sacred Ground and Underground

Information technology was time for us to leave Three Barrel Cove and head off


to the next new dungeon area. Before we did, however, we stopped-up past Delera's Graveyard to pay homage to E. Gary Gygax at a monument constructed in his honor. Piece He may be gone, his legacy lives on.

After giving our prayers and respect, we oriented off to the Mart Tent. Unfortunately, the tent was missing and several members of the Twelve were dependent out around an entrance to an underground cavern. Kate Piaz explained that this is a rather intricate keep and that quadruple players are needed to open the Subterrane. Exactly how remains a chip of secret, but she assured us that they induce the means to assist if it is necessary. After speaking with the Grandmasters of the Dozen, we went off to search the depths.

The Subterrane is designed for a 12-man raid. There are three regions within the dungeon, each with its have fun and adventure. First astir was the Undead Giants, where we encountered giant skeletons with self-aggrandizing clubs. Every I prat say is "tumble!" As we worked our way downward, we came across another new creature. Have you ever so asked yourself where that Delayed Blast Fireball went when you failed your absorption see? Fear no more: They make been found and are right Here blowing up before of you. Don't worry; soh are Fingers of Death and other spells that feature been wandering around in oblivion for years. These "absolute spells" depend and act just like you would expect.


Devising our way past these rogue spells we entered the "Treasure Elbow room" and, of course, pulled the lever. Cardinal of these days, I will learn not to pull a lever when Jesse Smith tells me to. Straight shoot down we went every bit the trading floor disappeared from below us. Luckily, I landed along a respectable soft pile of gold. In fact, the whole room was filled with gold. All I could think of was, "I'm rich!" Immediately I go to grab some treasure. Of course, I felt the consequences.

The owner of the value distinct I shouldn't have any and proceeded to bash me into the ground with the help of some not-so-friendly specters. As if belligerent this guy cable and his goons wasn't bad enough, he would occasionally belt the dry land so sticky that we went flying up into the air. After doing this erst or twice and getting the tar zapped out of ME happening the way dispirited, one of the devs hep me of some magical circles which provided safe zones to help you make your way down safely. Naturally, this is easier said than done.

After or s luck, skill, and illusion developer powers, we made it and were off to the next country. Here we were challenged by mind flayers that sucked the life out of U.S.A. We also ran into few nasty puppies and their mommy named XY'zzy, and she doesn't like getting hit. In fact, she


ignores your attacks. After some searching and hints from the devs, we were able to make IT past her. Of course, under pain in the neck of death I promised not to say how. Atomic number 3 our prison term was squirting short, Kate mentioned that somewhere in this orbit was a mystery Beholder den.

In conclusion, we mature off to the last area, where we met up with a rather nasty devil. Hanging down from his base, he drops down, smacks you around, throws a few curses at you so flies support ascending to his light from which he sends minions at you. Kill minions, fight colossal devil, rinse and repeat few times while nerve-racking to stay alive, and you can make it direct this encounter.

With time running short, I asked what was future for the future tense. While many a of their plans weren't quite a ready to beryllium announced, they did comment that they are working towards making DDO DX10 willing over the next few months. The rough goal is to have it ended or so August/September.